Ecoonomical convenience foods from locally sourceable fish
The project focused on the development of a technological process for an innovative fish-based convenience food with increased nutritional value that could be used in daily consumption. At the same time, the project succeeded to develop a cost-optimizing production process, including solutions for extended shelf life.
Processing industry SWOT analysis
Processing industry SWOT analysis report from the perspective of the Blue Bioeconomy
Report on sturgeon processing background and possibilities in Latvia
Sturgeon processing has its historical roots and a very high potential given it's availability from aquaculture as well as nutritional value and processing ease.
Sprat fish waste into valuable food product
The research showed that co-extrusion is a progressive method of obtaining high-quality and balanced food products, the main advantages of which are the flexibility of its technological schemes and low production costs.
Whole, automated processing of small fish into variety of food products
The project aimed to develop new innovative economically viable solutions for fish products with the high nutritional and added value produced from the Baltic Sea sprats.